Moonlight Manifestation - Bring Your Dreams and Change The Life

 Moonlight Manifestation - Bring Your Dreams and Change The Life

Moonlight Manifestation - Bring Your Dreams and Change The Life

Moonlight Manifestation is a 32-layer vibration sound layering software that opens up the Thalamus (a region of the brain situated in the centre) and sends manifestation orders to the subconscious mind as you sleep.

When you go asleep, these Moonlight Manifestation soundtracks turn down your conscious mind and drown out the voices of worries, doubts, and other negative emotions. Furthermore, these vibrational songs keep your subconscious mind awake and active, allowing you to materialise your goals.

The MoonLight Manifestation programme starts with two sound journey tracks, each with 32 layers of vibrating sound.

“Abundance Rising” is the first sound journey track, and it will assist you in writing your magic number. You must listen to this soundtrack before going to bed, and it will record your ideal existence into your subconscious mind as you sleep.

The following sound trip track is named “Divine Block Dissolver” because it removes all of the roadblocks that are keeping you from landing your ideal career or earning potential. Overnight, listening to this audio file will erase any doubts, beliefs, and negative ideas. As a consequence, you’ll feel energised and lighter when you wake up.

The Moonlight Manifestation programme also includes three audio series, which we’ll go through in the following section. Nonetheless, these two vibratory layering soundtracks are strong enough to assist you in realising your goals.

The Income Manifestation Series is a collection of seven vibrating layering sounds that will remove any financial roadblocks. According to the creator, these sounds will help you discover your life’s purpose, experience a fulfilling love life, and achieve financial independence.

The ‘Unstoppable Motivation’ Series enables you to wake up feeling light and free of irrational thoughts. It comes with an eight-sound journey that will help you to reach your greatest potential.

The ‘Unlock Your Quantum Magic series’ includes six sound adventures that can help you develop psychic talents, spiritual gifts, public speaking skills, and improve your memory and IQ.

Sweet Dreams is a smartphone app that allows you to listen to music from anywhere.

The Dream Yoga Activation System, The Overnight Hypnotic Healer Series, and The Overnight Healer Series are all included in the Moonlight Manifestation Bonus Bundle.

What Can You Discover By Using MoonLight Manifestation?

With MoonLight Manifestation, you can clear all obstacles that keep you from reaching your dream income.

You can have old fears, limiting fears, and traumas that are holding you back get disappeared.

Each morning, you will wake up bursting with energy, feeling lighter where the work is done for you in your sleep.

You can discover the pure presence where the upgrade your vibration when you wake others will feel drawn to your beaming presence.

With this program, you can get the 12D self-activator to flip your unique energetic signature where it is put on this earth to radiate.

With this program, you can have the soul’s true purpose akashic journey to discover your highest mission, what you were born to do, starting overnight.

MoonLight Manifestation teaches you past life karma clearing that let go of any generational blocks that keep you from manifesting money that profoundly.

With this program, you can find the overnight sign’s journey that calls in signs from the universe to guide you on any question as you ask during sleep.

Also, inside this guide, you can discover quantum wealth activation and money blocks DNA clearing journeys that are perfectly designed to transform at the smallest quantum DNA levels.

MoonLight Manifestation is groundbreaking that empowers dream discovery with the meaning of events you experience in dreams.

Every journey with the sound of the moonlight uses a uniquely tailored hypnotic language with words and phrases designed to communicate perfectly with the subconscious.

This six-part sound journey series makes you discover how to speak the language of the subconscious.

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